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CITB Funding update

If you are CITB levy-registered, you can benefit from being part of an Employer Network or accessing the CITB Skills and Training fund

  • Employer Networks - This NVQ can be 70% funded under Employer Network
  • CITB Skills and Training Fund - Cost neutral utilising the CITB skills and training fund and CITB short qualification grant

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About Detection of Buried Services for Construction (CAT and Genny)

Commercial Courses
Home » Detection of Buried Services for Construction (CAT and Genny)
utility avoidance cat and genny

Duration: 6 hours

Minimum Numbers: 1+ (charged at a day rate)

Maximum Numbers: 10 classroom

Location: Delivered on-site nationwide

Cost: Day rate - Price on calling

Dates: Call 01623 287830

Accreditation: Workforce Skills Support Certification

Certificate Validity: 3 years

CITB Short Course Grant Code: GET3324 - Tier 2: £140 per person

Detection of buried utilities for construction using electromagnetic location – EML Training

Course Information

This face-to-face course is for anyone who is involved in excavation or survey work on construction sites to detect the presence of underground services. This course is ideal for roles such as ground survey teams, excavation operatives, and those needing to detect services prior to carrying out work. It is also suitable for those supervising or managing these operations.

This course is a CITB-accredited course delivered to the Approved Training Organisation (ATO) Standards and is applicable for the Skills and Training Fund Grant.

This is a classroom-based presentation with practical application on the safe use of the CAT (Cable Avoidance Tool) and Genny (Signal Generator), The course can also encompass the use of flexible trace wire and sonde for locating underground pipes such as surface and foul drainage.

Operatives attending the course are requested to bring a hi-vis vest or jacket or full site PPE if the training will take place on a construction site.

This course can be adapted to suit the client’s requirements; training can be delivered on site using the client’s training room or at a convenient, suitable location utilising the specific equipment.
Equipment Requirements
Training provider is able to provide radiodetection CAT 4+ & Genny 4 equipment.
On this page

Detection of Buried Services for Construction (CAT and Genny)Course Aims

The aim of this course is to provide an overview of the standard radio detection tools ‘CAT’ (Cable Avoidance Tool) and Genny (Signal Generator) to meet the HSG47 health and safety guidelines for avoiding danger from underground services. Each candidate will be instructed on the correct location techniques, methods of detection, and limitations of equipment.
Everything you need

Learning Outcomes

Here is a brief overview of the content of training, select the topic title to see the content of the course:

  • how to obtain plans
  • advantages of accessing updated/new plans
  • identification of utilities and features using the provided key/legend
  • supply and verification of applicable safety equipment (PPE)
  • the importance of using existing or implementing generic safe excavation procedures such as risk assessments, method statements, permits to dig and existing RAMS

  • check the equipment for condition and conformity and adhere to any specific manufacturers recommendations for equipment checks and verifications
  • check the surrounding area for indications of existing utilities and cross reference to plans if applicable
  • check area for possible obstructions that may interfere with the performance of the EML equipment and application
  • maintain manufacturers recommended application methods and or best practice for specific location and environments

  • the importance of using existing or implementing generic safe excavation procedures such as risk assessments, method statements, permits to dig and existing RAMS
  • HSG47 safe excavation methods in relation to using EML (requirement for training, understanding application methods and limitations, mechanical excavation exclusions) if not already included in existing RAMS

  • reference current Utility drawings to the area to be surveyed if available
  • demonstrate equipment checks to establish condition and conformity
  • complete a check of the surrounding area to be surveyed for indications of existing utilities
  • complete a check of the area to be surveyed for possible obstructions that may interfere with the performance of the EML equipment and safe application
  • employ manufacturers recommended application methods and or best practice for specific location and environments
  • describe and demonstrate equipment tests

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions about this course? Here is a compilation of our most frequently asked questions.

This is a classroom-based presentation with practical application on the safe use of the CAT (Cable Avoidance Tool) and Genny (Signal Generator), The course can also encompass the use of flexible trace wire and sonde for locating underground pipes such as surface and foul drainage.

The maximum number of delegates for the Detection of Buried Services course is 10.

The CAT and Genny Detection of Buried Services for Construction course duration is 6 hours.

Operatives attending the course are requested to bring a hi-vis vest or jacket or full site PPE if the training will take place on a construction site.

Yes, you will receive a Workforce Skills Support Certificate with the CITB logo.

Yes, the certificate will have a expiration date of 3 years from completion date of the course.

This is advised by the awarding organisation based on HSE Guidance.

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