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Working At Heights - Use Of Ladders & Stepladders

Commercial Courses
Home » Working At Heights (including Use of Ladders And Stepladders)
stepladder training

Duration: 4 hours

Minimum Numbers: 1+ (charged at a day rate)

Maximum Numbers: 15 classroom

Location: Delivered on-site nationwide

Cost: Day rate - Price on calling

Dates: Call 01623 287830

Accreditation: Workforce Skills Support Certification

Certificate Validity: 3 years

CITB Short Course Grant Code: Not Grant Eligable

Working At Height Including Use Of Ladders And Stepladders

Course Information

The Working at Height including Use of Ladders and Stepladders course is aimed at anyone who may be required to work, manage, or supervise others working at height or who needs familiarisation with the necessary regulations and control measures to meet the hierarchy of control for working at heights and maintain documentation procedures to legal standard, and is for those who may need to use this equipment within the workplace and need to understand the correct procedures for use, maintenance and storage.

The purpose of the Working at Height including Use of Ladders & Stepladders course is to develop the candidate's knowledge of the requirements of the working at heights regulation so they will be able to assess the relevant risks within their own working environment and be able to select the most appropriate equipment as per their organisation's safe systems of work, as well as how to identify faults and report them accordingly.

The course will go through the selection of working at heights equipment and inspection requirements prior to, during and after use of ladders and step ladders and how to record inspections for legal compliance, it will take you through safe use of ladders in accordance with HSE Guidance and storage procedures.

The course is suitable for managers, supervisors, and operatives who may be required to work below, at, or above ground level.
Please Note:
This course will require the client to provide the equipment they use at the training location to go through practical inspection and use procedures.
On this page

Working At Height Including Use Of Ladders And StepladdersCourse Aims

The aim of the Working at Height including Use of Laddres and Stepladders course is to provide the necessary training to be able to work safely using ladders and stepladders in line with the Work at Height Regulations. The delegates will understand and follow the hierarchy for managing risks from work at heights and take the necessary steps to avoid, prevent, and minimise those risks, the course will will provide an enphasis on the safe working practices specified by the HSE for safe use of ladders and stepladders in the workplace.
Everything you need

Learning Outcomes

Here is a brief overview of the content of training.
  • Understand Schedule 6 of the Work at Height Regulations
  • INDG455 Safe use of ladders and stepladders
  • Understand the legal requirements and responsibilities of working at height
  • Identifying causes of hazards when working at height
  • Understand the Classifications for ladders and step ladders in the workplace
  • Implementation of the hierarchy of control
  • Hazards associated with the use of Ladders and Step Ladders
  • Work at height alternatives, including low level work equipment
  • Pre-use Ladder and Step Ladder Inspection
  • Correct Storage and Transport of Ladders
  • Theory test

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions about this course? Here is a compilation of our most frequently asked questions.

The Working at Height course including Use of Ladders and Stepladders is a classroom-based course with presentations and tutorials. It also includes a theory exercise in the recording, inspection, and selection of equipment.

This course can be adapted to suit the client's requirements. Training can be delivered on site using the client's training room or at a convenient, suitable location.

The maximum number of delegates for this course is 15.

No, this course will be delivered on a day rate and can be paired with another half day course on the same day for the day rate specified for the course.

This working at heights course has a duration is 4 hours.

Yes, you will receive  a Workforce Skills Support certificate detailing the content of the course that you have successfully achieved and this will be valid for 3 years.
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