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Plant Operations Awareness

Commercial Courses
Home » Plant Operations Awareness
plant operations operations

Duration: 3 hours

Minimum Numbers: 1+ (charged at a day rate)

Maximum Numbers: 12

Location: Delivered on-site nationwide

Cost: Day rate - Price on calling

Dates: Call 01623 287830

Accreditation: Workforce Skills Support Certification

Certificate Validity: 3 years

Plant Operations Awareness

Course Information

This plant safety course is suitable for operatives, supervisors, and managers who may be required to work in close proximity to the construction plant for site operations during various site activities, which may include the loading and unloading of vehicles or working platforms, excavations, lifting operations, and transportation of materials and resources.

The purpose of this Plant Operations Awareness Plant Safety course is to provide candidates with knowledge regarding potential hazards associated with construction plants during their normal operations and movements. This includes the importance of vehicle and pedestrian segregation and the planning for provision for health and safety during these operations. The course will cover content to assist in mitigating the risk from a range of associated plants.

Max delegates: 12
Duration: 3 hours
Course Requirements
Relative plant to be provided by the client.
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Plant Operations AwarenessCourse Aims

The aim of this course is to provide knowledge and understanding of safe practices during plant and vehicle operations to minimise the risk to the workforce, identify hazards and risks associated with non-compliance with procedures, and also be able to assess the risks and take appropriate action as required. This includes current legislation and guidance.
Everything you need

Learning Outcomes

Here is a brief overview of the content of training.
  • Identify roles and responsibilities for safe operations
  • Describe regulatory requirements and guidance associated with plant operations
  • Identify plant types, limitations, hazards and stability factors
  • Describe types of workplace hazards and causes of accidents
  • Describe risk control measures
  • Identify effective communication methods and reporting lines
  • Legal responsibilities associated with plant operations
  • Identification of hazards, causes and accidents with varying plant/vehicles
  • Workplace segregation procedures
  • Safe working practices when working close to plant movements
  • Hand signals for plant operations
  • Risk assessments – identification of Risk and Control measures
  • Reporting procedures
  • Theory test

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions about this course? Here is a compilation of our most frequently asked questions.

The Plant Operations Awareness course is a classroom-based and on-site course with theoretical group exercises. This course can be adapted to suit the client’s requirements. Training can be delivered on site using the client’s training room or at a convenient, suitable location.

The maximum number of delegates for the Plant Operations Awareness Course is 12.

The duration of the Plant Operations Awareness course is 3 to 4 hours.

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