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Industry Accreditation Withdrawal – Why NVQs Are Mandatory For CSCS Card Applications

Home » Industry Accreditation Withdrawal – Why NVQs Are Mandatory For CSCS Card Applications
Why NVQs Are Mandatory For CSCS Card Applications

All Industry Accreditation (IA), also known as grandfather rights, cards issued from 1st January 2020 will expire on 31st December 2024 and cannot be renewed using IA.

Why is an NVQ mandatory for CSCS Card applications?

The following CSCS cards are affected by the Industry Accreditation (IA) withdrawal. This complies with industry standards, which specify that all construction industry card schemes must adhere to nationally recognised qualifications for every occupation.

While possessing a CSCS card is not mandated by legislation, requiring workers to hold a card before accessing a construction site lies entirely with the principal contractor or client. Most principal contractors and major contractors typically demand that construction workers on their sites hold a valid CSCS card.

CITB is introducing an increased grant for management and supervision NVQs to support construction workers’ transition from an Industry Accreditation (IA) card to a qualification.

You are eligible for this if you’re a CITB-registered employer and up to date with your Levy Returns. As well as fulfilling the CITB’s general Grants Scheme policy and specific requirements for this grant. Subject to the CITB CAP at each level per individual.

The enhanced grant values are on our short qualification web page. This can be as much as £1500, so it can make a significant contribution towards the cost of the NVQs.

Different training providers offer different processes and procedures when delivering NVQs, which should be ascertained when first enquiring.

How do I know if we have CSCS cards that are issued by Industry Accreditation?

You can use the online card checkers – if you don’t have the physical card -on the back of the card it will show it was awarded by Industry Accreditation rather than NVQ.

How will we support you?

We offer a unique level of customer service, offering additional information, advice, and guidance to our customers to help them keep up to date with changes in the industry.

You will be allocated to your experienced assessor and provided with your proof of registration on the NVQ and assessor contact details. The assessor will guide you through the NVQ process and will be your point of contact during the assessment process.

We use traditional assessment methods, so you will have a helpful contact to support the process, rather than an e-portfolio. We use recorded discussions, reinforced by demonstrative work-based evidence. This is the easiest way to prove you have the skills and experience to complete the NVQ. This can be completed face-to-face or remotely, depending on the candidate’s preference.

How long will the NVQ take?

The visits are arranged between the candidate and our assessor at convenient times.

NVQs are candidate-led, so they can be completed quickly once most of the evidence is gathered on the suggested evidence list provided at enrolment. Once the evidence is collected, provided the candidate can allocate time for the follow-up professional discussion (to discuss all evidence provided), the NVQ can be achieved quite swiftly within 2–3 visits for a couple of hours at a time.

The follow-up professional discussion can be completed face-to-face or remotely.

1st visit – Induction, planning

2nd visit – discuss evidence, identify shortfall of evidence

3rd – visit – Discuss new evidence, cover the shortfall in questions ( if required) and complete

What NVQ do I need?

Please contact our helpful team, who can advise the most suitable NVQ based on your experience and job role.

We are a CITB-approved Training Organisation. What does that mean?

If you or your employer are CITB levy registered, we will claim the short-period qualification grant on your behalf. In addition to this, we will contact the grant team on your behalf four weeks after completion to ensure grants are paid. We will help you with any related grant queries or delays until they are resolved. Many providers will make the grant claims but not follow through to ensure it’s been paid.

I am a construction employer, and I have several members of my workforce affected by Industry Accreditation – what should I do?

Please get in touch with our helpful team, who can advise on CITB funding that will also help cover the costs of addressing industry accreditation withdrawal. If you have under 250 employees in addition to the standard CITB enhanced short-period qualification grant, additional funding from the Skills and Training Fund can be utilised.

When should I look at Industry Accreditation withdrawal?

If CSCS cards are part of your workforce – don’t delay – any card issued from the 1st January 2020 with IA will expire on 31st Dec 2024 and cannot be renewed.

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