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If you are CITB levy-registered, you can benefit from being part of an Employer Network or accessing the CITB Skills and Training fund

  • Employer Networks - This NVQ can be 70% funded under Employer Network
  • CITB Skills and Training Fund - Cost neutral utilising the CITB skills and training fund and CITB short qualification grant

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Level 2 NVQ Certificate
Plant Operations (Construction)

Candidates need to be experienced and have sufficient knowledge to complete the assessment and carrying out regular duties on the piece of plant.
Home » Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Plant Operations (Construction)
Qualification information

Level 2 NVQ Certificate
Plant Operations (construction)

About This Qualification

Qualification title
Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Plant Operations (Construction)

Plant Occupations

The Certificate in Plant Operations covers specific plant machinery and allows candidates to develop their knowledge and skills in areas relating to the plant machinery they work with (dumpers, telehandlers, rollers, cranes, loading shovels, concrete pumps, road-rail plant ) in a safe and efficient manner while using them within the workplace.

level 2 plant operations certificate

Eligible For Grant & Funding

This NVQ is eligible to claim the CITB Short Qualification Grant. If you are a CITB-registered employer and up-to-date with your Levy returns, then £600 can be claimed upon completion of the NVQ.
On this page

Duration: 2 to 3 visits

Location: On-site assessment and/or remote

Cost: Price on calling

Dates: On-site assessment

Accreditation: OFQUAL Certification


Success Rate


Delegates completed their NVQs with us in 2024


Eligible for CITB Short Qualification Grant

Qualification Structure

Candidates must complete the following mandatory course units.
Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
M/508/6537Conforming to general health, safety and welfare in the workplace1641
T/508/6538Conforming to productive working practices in the workplace2642

Cranes and Specialist Lifting is for candidates that use cranes of various types (Compact, Hiab, Tower – remote, Hoist) and want to develop the skills and prove their competence.
Mandatory Units
Candidates must complete ALL mandatory units.
Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
M/508/6537Conforming to general health, safety and welfare in the workplace1641
T/508/6538Conforming to productive working practices in the workplace2642
Optional Units
Candidates must complete ONE optional unit.
Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
R/508/6479Preparing and operating compact cranes to lift and transfer loads in the workplace

Unit Endorsements:
One of the following endorsements required:
  • Compact crane – static stabilisers
  • Compact crane – mobile industrial
  • Compact crane – luffic static
  • Compact crane – 360 degree pick and carry
  • 2387Av2
    J/508/6480Preparing and operating pedestrian operated tower cranes to lift and transfer loads in the workplace

    Unit Endorsements:
    The following endorsements required:
  • Tower crane trolley job – remote controlled
  • 2387Ev2
    L/508/6481Preparing and operating overhead cranes to lift and transfer loads in the workplace2387Fv2
    R/508/6482Preparing and operating excavator cranes to lift and transfer loads in the workplace2387Gv2
    Y/508/6483Preparing and operating hoists to lift and transfer loads in the workplace

    Unit Endorsements:
    One of the following endorsements required:
  • Hoist rack and pinion goods
  • Hoist passenger/goods combined
  • Hoist rope operated goods
  • Hoist transport platform
  • 2387Ov2
    D/508/6484Preparing and operating lorry loaders or knuckle booms to lift and transfer loads in the workplace

    Unit Endorsements:
    One of the following endorsements required:
  • Knuckle boom
  • Lorry loader hook
  • Lorry loader clamshell bucket
  • Lorry loader hydraulic clamp
  • 2387Qv2
    H/508/6485Preparing and operating skip handlers to lift and transfer loads in the workplace2387Rv2
    M/508/6487Preparing and operating container handlers to lift and transfer loads in the workplace2387Sv2
    T/508/6488Preparing and operating self-propelled modular transporters (SPMT) to lift and transfer loads in the workplace
    A/508/6489Preparing and operating ergonomic manipulating machines to lift and transfer loads in the workplace2387Uv2

    Forklift Trucks (Telehandler, Industrial, Rough Terrain) is for candidates that operate and work around forklift trucks and want to develop the skills and prove their competence.
    Mandatory Units
    Candidates must complete ALL mandatory units.
    Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
    M/508/6537Conforming to general health, safety and welfare in the workplace1641
    T/508/6538Conforming to productive working practices in the workplace2642
    Optional Units
    Candidates must complete ONE optional unit.
    Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
    M/508/6490Preparing and operating rough terrain masted forklifts to lift and transfer loads in the workplace2387Hv2
    T/508/6491Preparing and operating industrial forklift trucks to lift and transfer loads in the workplace2387Jv2
    A/508/6492Preparing and operating sideloader forklifts to lift and transfer loads in the workplace2387Kv2
    F/508/6493Preparing and operating telescopic handlers to lift and transfer loads in the workplace

    Unit Endorsements:
    One of the following endorsements required:
  • Telescopic handler industrial telescopic
  • Telescopic handler up to 9 metres
  • Telescopic handler all sizes
  • Telescopic handler all sizes excluding 360 degree
  • Telescopic handler all sizes including 360 degree
  • 2387Lv2
    J/508/6494Preparing and operating reach trucks to lift and transfer loads in the workplace2387Mv2

    Extracting is for candidates that operate extracting machinery (Loading Shovels, Loader / compressor) to develop the skills and prove their competence.
    Mandatory Units
    Candidates must complete ALL mandatory units.
    Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
    M/508/6537Conforming to general health, safety and welfare in the workplace1641
    T/508/6538Conforming to productive working practices in the workplace2642
    Optional Units
    Candidates must complete ONE optional unit.
    Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
    D/508/6498Preparing and operating wheeled loading shovels to extract loose materials in the workplace
    H/508/6499Preparing and operating skid steer loaders to extract loose materials in the workplace2388Ev3
    L/508/6500Preparing and operating loader compressors to extract loose materials in the workplace2388Hv3
    M/617/2280Preparing and operating suction and vacuum excavators to extract in the workplace2388Mv2

    Transporting Loads is for candidates that use machinery and vehicles (Dumpers, Concrete, pumps, tractors, Self propelled bowsers) to transport loads onto and off site and want to develop the skills and prove their competence.
    Mandatory Units
    Candidates must complete ALL mandatory units.
    Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
    M/508/6537Conforming to general health, safety and welfare in the workplace1641
    T/508/6538Conforming to productive working practices in the workplace2642
    Optional Units
    Candidates must complete ONE optional unit.
    Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
    R/508/6501Preparing and operating forward tipping dumpers to receive, transport and discharge materials in the workplace

    Unit Endorsements:
    One of the following endorsements required:
  • Forward tipping dumper wheeled
  • Forward tipping dumper tracked
  • 2391Bv3
    Y/508/6502Preparing and operating rear tipping dump trucks to receive, transport and discharge materials in the workplace

    Unit Endorsements:
    One of the following endorsements required:
  • Dump truck – articulated chassis up to 154 tonne
  • Dump truck – articulated chassis all sizes
  • Dump truck – rigid chassis up to 15 tonne
  • Dump truck – rigid chassis up to 50 tonne
  • Dump truck – rigid chassis all sizes wheeled
  • Dump truck – rigid chassis tracked
  • 2391Cv3
    D/508/6503Preparing and operating tractors with towed equipment for non-agricultural activities in the workplace2391Dv3
    H/508/6504Preparing and operating trailer-mounted concrete pumps to receive, pump and discharge materials in the workplace2391Ev3
    K/508/6505Preparing and operating self-propelled bowsers to receive, transport and discharge materials in the workplace2391Fv3
    M/508/6506Preparing and operating static concrete placing booms to discharge and place materials in the workplace2391Gv1
    T/508/6507Preparing and operating volumetric trucks to receive and transport materials in the workplace2391Hv1

    Work Platforms is for candidates that use platforms such as (Scissor, cherry picker) and want to develop the skills and prove their competence.
    Mandatory Units
    Candidates must complete ALL mandatory units.
    Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
    M/508/6537Conforming to general health, safety and welfare in the workplace1641
    T/508/6538Conforming to productive working practices in the workplace2642
    Optional Units
    Candidates must complete ONE optional unit.
    Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
    A/508/6508Preparing and operating scissor-type mobile elevating work platforms (MEWP) in the workplace2392Av3
    F/508/6509Preparing and operating boom-type elevating work platforms (MEWP) in the workplace

    Unit Endorsements:
    One of the following endorsements required:
  • Mobile elevated working platform boom vehicle mounted
  • Mobile elevated working platform boom self-propelled
  • 2392Bv3
    T/508/6510Preparing and operating mast climber-type mobile elevating work platforms (MEWP) in the workplace2392Cv3

    Laying & Distributing is for candidates that operate distribution machinery and equipment (Towed scraper, Binder spreading) in the workplace and want to develop the skills and prove their competence.
    Mandatory Units
    Candidates must complete ALL mandatory units.
    Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
    M/508/6537Conforming to general health, safety and welfare in the workplace1641
    T/508/6538Conforming to productive working practices in the workplace2642
    Optional Units
    Candidates must complete ONE optional unit.
    Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
    A/508/6511Preparing and operating binder spreaders to lay and distribute materials in the workplace2393Gv1
    F/508/6512Preparing and operating self-propelled spreaders to lay and distribute materials in the workplace2393Hv1
    L/508/6514Preparing and operating towed scrapers to lay and distribute materials in the workplace

    Compacting is for candidates that use machinery to compact material (ride on roller, landfill) and want to develop the skills and prove their competence.
    Mandatory Units
    Candidates must complete ALL mandatory units.
    Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
    M/508/6537Conforming to general health, safety and welfare in the workplace1641
    T/508/6538Conforming to productive working practices in the workplace2642
    Optional Units
    Candidates must complete ONE optional unit.
    Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
    R/508/6515Preparing and operating ride-on rollers to compact materials in the workplace2394Av3
    Y/508/6516Preparing and operating soil compactors to compact materials in the workplace2394Bv3
    D/508/6517Preparing and operating landfill compactors to compact materials in the workplace2394Cv3

    Processing is for candidates that process material in the workplace (crusher, screener, batching plant) and want to develop the skills and prove their competence.
    Mandatory Units
    Candidates must complete ALL mandatory units.
    Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
    M/508/6537Conforming to general health, safety and welfare in the workplace1641
    T/508/6538Conforming to productive working practices in the workplace2642
    Optional Units
    Candidates must complete ONE optional unit.
    Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
    H/508/6518Preparing and operating crushers to process materials in the workplace2395Av3
    K/508/6519Preparing and operating screeners to process materials in the workplace2395Bv3
    K/508/6522Preparing and operating batching plant to process materials in the workplace

    Loading & Securing is for candidates that regularly secure and transport material for transportation (driver, guiding plant) and want to develop the skills and prove their competence.
    Mandatory Units
    Candidates must complete ALL mandatory units.
    Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
    M/508/6537Conforming to general health, safety and welfare in the workplace1641
    T/508/6538Conforming to productive working practices in the workplace2642
    M/508/6523Preparing for, and arranging and securing plant or machinery for transportation in the workplace

    Unit Endorsements:
    Two of the following endorsements required:
  • Drive and operate
  • Direct and guide movement
  • Direct and guide operations
  • Slinger/signaller
  • Raised loads

    Plus one or more of the following endorsements required:
  • Loader/securer Slinger Signaller non STGO, non LGV
  • Loader/securer Slinger Signaller non STGO, LGV
  • Loader/securer Slinger Signaller STGO
  • Loader/securer movement guide marshaller non STGO, non LGV
  • Loader/securer movement guide marshaller non STGO, LGV
  • Loader/securer movement guide marshaller
  • Loader/securer plant driver non STGO, non LGV
  • Loader/securer plant driver non STGO, LGV
  • Loader/securer plant driver STGO
  • 2397Cv1
    Optional Units
    Candidates must complete ONE optional unit.
    Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
    T/508/6524Preparing to and directing and guiding the movement of vehicles, plant or machinery in the workplace

    Unit Endorsements:
    One of the following endorsements required:
  • Movement guide marshaller
  • Loader/securer
  • 2396Cv1
    A/508/6525Slinging and hand signalling the movement of suspended loads in the workplace:

    Unit Endorsements:
    The following endorsement required (i.e. own area of work):
  • Slinger signaller – loader securer only
  • 2402Av1
    F/508/6526Operating plant or machinery for non-operational activities in the workplace

    Unit Endorsements:
    Two of the following endorsements required:
  • Hand-operated power tools
  • Static machinery
  • Pedestrian controlled power equipment
  • Tracked plant
  • Wheeled plant
  • Rollers
  • 2659

    Road/Rail is for candidates that work on road/rail and operate Plant Machinery and want to develop the skills and prove their competence.
    Mandatory Units
    Candidates must complete ALL mandatory units.
    Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
    M/508/6537Conforming to general health, safety and welfare in the workplace
    T/508/6538Conforming to productive working practices in the workplace2642
    J/508/6527Preparing and operating road/rail adapted plant in the workplace

    Unit Endorsements:
    One of the following endorsements required:
  • Road rail – forward tipping dumper
  • Road rail – MEWP scissor
  • Road rail – MEWP boom
  • Road rail – crawler tractor/dozer
  • Road rail – knuckle boom crane
  • Road rail – dump truck – articulated chassis
  • Road rail – dump truck – rigid chassis
  • Road rail – excavator 360 degree wheeled
  • Road rail – excavator 360 degree tracked
  • Road rail – excavator crane
  • Road rail – crane
  • Road rail – rough terrain forklift truck
  • Road rail – telescopic handler
  • Road rail – agricultural tractor
  • 2398v3
    Optional Units
    Candidates must complete ONE optional unit.
    Unit Ref.Unit TitleLevelCITB Ref.
    R/508/6482Preparing and operating excavator cranes to lift and transfer loads in the workplace2387Gv2
    M/508/6490Preparing and operating rough terrain masted forklifts to lift and transfer loads in the workplace2387Hv2
    F/508/6493Preparing and operating telescopic handlers to lift and transfer loads in the workplace

    Unit Endorsements:
    One of the following endorsements required:
  • Telescopic handler industrial telescopic
  • Telescopic handler up to 9 metres
  • Telescopic handler all sizes
  • Telescopic handler all sizes excluding 360 degree
  • Telescopic handler all sizes including 360 degree
  • 2387Lv2
    D/508/6484Preparing and operating lorry loaders or knuckle booms to lift and transfer loads in the workplace

    Unit Endorsements:
    One of the following endorsements required:
  • Knuckle boom
  • Lorry loader hook
  • Lorry loader clamshell bucket
  • Lorry loader hydraulic clamp
  • 2387Qv2
    D/508/6498Preparing and operating wheeled loading shovels to extract loose materials in the workplace2388Cv3
    H/508/6499Preparing and operating skid steer loaders to extract loose materials in the workplace
    L/508/6500Preparing and operating loader compressors to extract loose materials in the workplace2388Hv3
    R/508/6501Preparing and operating forward tipping dumpers to receive, transport and discharge materials in the workplace

    Unit Endorsements:
    One of the following endorsements required:
  • Forward tipping dumper wheeled
  • Forward tipping dumper tracked
  • 2391Bv3
    Y/508/6502Preparing and operating rear tipping dump trucks to receive, transport and discharge materials in the workplace

    Unit Endorsements:
    One of the following endorsements required:
  • Dump truck – articulated chassis up to 154 tonne
  • Dump truck – articulated chassis all sizes
  • Dump truck – rigid chassis up to 15 tonne
  • Dump truck – rigid chassis up to 50 tonne
  • Dump truck – rigid chassis all sizes wheeled
  • Dump truck – rigid chassis tracked
  • 2391Cv3
    D/508/6502Preparing and operating tractors with towed equipment for non-agricultural activities in the workplace2391Dv3
    A/508/6508Preparing and operating scissor-type mobile elevating work platforms (MEWP) in the workplace2392Av3
    F/508/6509Preparing and operating boom-type mobile elevating work platforms (MEWP) in the workplace

    Unit Endorsements:
    One of the following endorsements required:
  • Mobile elevated working platform boom vehicle mounted
  • Mobile elevated working platform boom self-propelled
  • 2392Bv3
    T/508/6510Preparing and operating mast climber-type mobile elevating work platforms (MEWP) in the workplace2392Cv3

    Attachments is for candidates that work with plant or machinery attachments and want to develop the skills and prove their competence.
    Mandatory Units
    Candidates must complete ALL mandatory units.
    Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
    M/508/6537Conforming to general health, safety and welfare in the workplace2641
    T/508/6538Conforming to productive working practices in the workplace2642
    L/508/6528Preparing and operating plant or machinery attachments in the workplace

    Unit Endorsements:
    One of the following endorsements required:
  • Rail thimble
  • Rail flail
  • Rail ballast brush
  • Rail ballast/material movement vacuum unit
  • Rail hydraulic rail beam
  • Rail hydraulic sleeper grab
  • Rail trailer
  • Rail tamper
  • Rail vacuum lifter
  • Rail grapple/log grab
  • Auger
  • Sweeper
  • Pecker/hammer
  • Mower
  • Grab
  • Roller
  • Mobile work platform
  • Fork
  • Lifthook
  • Bucket
  • Lifting jib
  • Crusher
  • 2399v3
    Optional Units
    Candidates must complete ONE optional unit.
    Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
    R/508/6482Preparing and operating excavator cranes to lift and transfer loads in the workplace2387Gv2
    M/508/6490Preparing and operating rough terrain masted forklifts to lift and transfer loads in the workplace2387Hv2
    F/508/6493Preparing and operating telescopic handlers to lift and transfer loads in the workplace

    Unit Endorsements:
    One of the following endorsements required:
  • Telescopic handler industrial telescopic
  • Telescopic handler up to 9 metres
  • Telescopic handler all sizes
  • Telescopic handler all sizes excluding 360 degree
  • Telescopic handler all sizes including 360 degree
  • 2387Lv2
    D/508/6484Preparing and operating lorry loaders or knuckle booms to lift and transfer loads in the workplace

    Unit Endorsements:
    One of the following endorsements required:
  • Knuckle boom
  • Lorry loader hook
  • Lorry loader clamshell bucket
  • Lorry loader hydraulic clamp
  • 2387Qv2
    D/508/6498Preparing and operating wheeled loading shovels to extract loose materials in the workplace2388Cv3
    H/508/6499Preparing and operating skid steer loaders to extract loose materials in the workplace2388Ev3
    L/508/6500Preparing and operating loader compressors to extract loose materials in the workplace
    R/508/6501Preparing and operating forward tipping dumpers to receive, transport and discharge materials in the workplace

    Unit Endorsements:
    One of the following endorsements required:
  • Forward tipping dumper wheeled
  • Forward tipping dumper tracked
  • 2391Bv3
    Y/508/6502Preparing and operating rear tipping dump trucks to receive, transport and discharge materials in the workplace

    Unit Endorsements:
    One of the following endorsements required:
  • Dump truck – articulated chassis up to 154 tonne
  • Dump truck – articulated chassis all sizes
  • Dump truck – rigid chassis up to 15 tonne
  • Dump truck – rigid chassis up to 50 tonne
  • Dump truck – rigid chassis all sizes wheeled
  • Dump truck – rigid chassis tracked
  • 2391Cv3
    D/508/6502Preparing and operating tractors with towed equipment for non-agricultural activities in the workplace
    A/508/6508Preparing and operating scissor-type mobile elevating work platforms (MEWP) in the workplace2392Av3
    F/508/6509Preparing and operating boom-type mobile elevating work platforms (MEWP) in the workplace

    Unit Endorsements:
    One of the following endorsements required:
  • Mobile elevated working platform boom vehicle mounted
  • Mobile elevated working platform boom self-propelled
  • 2392Bv3
    T/508/6510Preparing and operating mast climber-type mobile elevating work platforms (MEWP) in the workplace2392Cv3

    Excavating is for candidates that prepare and operate excavating machinery (Loading Shovels) and want to develop the skills and prove their competence.
    Mandatory Units
    Candidates must complete ALL mandatory units.
    Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
    M/508/6537Conforming to general health, safety and welfare in the workplace1641
    T/508/6538Conforming to productive working practices in the workplace2642
    Optional Units
    Candidates must complete ONE optional unit.
    Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
    R/508/6529Preparing and operating wheeled loading shovels to excavate in the workplace2389Ev1
    J/508/6530Preparing and operating skid steer loaders to excavate in the workplace2389Gv1
    T/617/2281Preparing and operating suction and vacuum excavators to excavate in the workplace2389Hv1

    Sweeping, Cleaning, Clearing is for candidates that use plant machinery to sweep, clean and clear (Road sweeper, gully suckers) the workplace and want to develop the skills and prove their competence.
    Mandatory Units
    Candidates must complete ALL mandatory units.
    Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
    M/508/6537Conforming to general health, safety and welfare in the workplace1641
    T/508/6538Conforming to productive working practices in the workplace2642
    L/508/6531Preparing and operating plant or machinery to sweep, clean or clear in the workplace

    Unit Endorsements:
    One of the following endorsements required:
  • Road sweeper
  • Pavement sweeper
  • Self-propelled sweeper
  • Pedestrian controlled sweeper
  • Gully cleaner
  • Gully sucker
  • Pedestrian controlled cleaner

    Plus two of the following:
  • Tipping of lifted materials
  • Scrub clean
  • Hose clean, wet sweep
  • Pressure washer clean
  • Empty or clear by suction
  • Blow clear
  • 2761v1

    Operations Guide is for candidates that guide the operation of plant or machinery and want to develop the skills and prove their competence.
    Mandatory units
    Candidates must complete ALL mandatory units.
    Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
    M/508/6537Conforming to general health, safety and welfare in the workplace1641
    T/508/6538Conforming to productive working practices in the workplace2642
    R/508/6532Controlling, directing and guiding the operation of plant or machinery in the workplace2760v1
    optional units
    Candidates must complete ONE optional unit.
    Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
    K/508/6536Setting out secondary dimensional work control in the workplace

    Unit Endorsements:
    Three of more of the following endorsements required:
  • Lines
  • Levels
  • Depths
  • Areas
  • Height
  • Angles
  • 2401v2

    Movement Guide is for candidates that guide the movement of plant or machinery and want to develop the skills and prove their competence.
    Mandatory units
    Candidates must complete ALL mandatory units.
    Unit Ref.TitleLevelCITB Ref.
    M/508/6537Conforming to general health, safety and welfare in the workplace2641
    T/508/6538Conforming to productive working practices in the workplace2642
    T/508/6524Preparing to and directing and guiding the movement of vehicles, plant or machinery in the workplace

    Unit Endorsements:
    One of the following endorsements required:
  • Movement guide marshaller
  • Loader/securer
  • 2396Cv1

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Do you have questions about this NVQ? Here is a compilation of our most frequently asked questions.

    The Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Plant Operations (Construction) is a vocational qualification that recognises the skills and knowledge required for individuals operating plant machinery in the construction industry.

    This qualification is intended for individuals working in the construction industry who operate plant machinery such as telehandlers, forward tipping dumpers, rollers, and other equipment. It is suitable for those looking to validate and enhance their operational skills and also upgrade their operative cards (NPORS and CPCS). Please contact Workforce Skills Support for further guidance on card schemes.

    Completing the Level 2 NVQ Certificate can lead to improved job opportunities, higher pay, and increased job security. It also demonstrates your commitment to professional development and can pave the way for further training and qualifications.

    Yes, the Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Plant Operations is widely recognised by employers in the construction industry and demonstrates that you have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform your role effectively.

    Yes, you can be eligible for the NPORS/CPCS Blue Competent Operator card, as long as you have completed the relevant Operative Health and Safety Test within 2 years and achieved the specific novice/experienced worker test through either NPORS/CPCS. Please contact Workforce Skills Support for further NPORS/CPCS experienced and trainee card information.

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