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How Do I Become An Eco Scheme Installer – Comprehensive Guide [Updated February 2025]

Home » How Do I Become An Eco Scheme Installer – Comprehensive Guide [Updated February 2025]
how do i become an eco scheme installer


The UK Government has set a path to net zero by 2050. The devolved Governments in Wales and Scotland have set targets to 2050 and 2045 respectively.

Construction is a significant contributor to carbon emissions in the UK:

  • 40% of UK emissions are from the built environment
  • 80% of the buildings in use in 2050 are already built
  • 27 million homes and 2 million other buildings require retrofitting.

You can read more about the CITB Net Zero Action Plan here

What is PAS 2025?

This is the standard required for the retrofit of dwellings. Almost all (95%) of PAS2025 operators also have the current PAS 2030 accreditation, the standard for installing energy-efficient systems.

What is PAS 2030?

The government and the larger energy providers are working towards an objective to ensure all existing properties are energy efficient by 2030. Contracts and funding schemes around the retrofit of energy efficiency measures in buildings are starting to stipulate that installers need to work for PAS 2030 certification.

To achieve this, you need to be certified by a Green Deal accredited certification body as meeting the PAS 2030 standard for the measures you wish to install and abide by the conditions in the Green Deal code of Practice.

What does PAS 2030 cover?

PAS 2030 Certification – Retrofit installation of EEM – Energy Efficiency Installer

Certification for retrofit of dwellings for improved energy efficiency

Assessment, design, and installation within commercial building stock of EEMS

Along with PAS 2035 and PAS 2039, PAS 2030 is the best practice in energy efficiency installation for existing building stock. Installing this standard gives your customers the trust and confidence that the work is to a high standard.

How do I get PAS 2030?

We are working alongside Simply Certification as an approved consultant offering the recognised qualifications you need to have to ensure the competence of all your operatives and installers –

You can check out their website for the FAQs about gaining accreditation and how they can support you.

How can Workforce Skills Support you in the process?

We can offer your installers the Building and Installation NVQs to help you pass the accreditation requirements, listed are a few examples.

L2 NVQ Diploma in Insulation and Building Treatments – External Wall Insulation – Boarder, Cavity Wall Insulation, Cold Roof Insulation, Draught-proofing, Internal Insulation, Insulate Framed Sections of Buildings, External Wall Insulation – Finisher, Warm Roof Insulation and Floor Insulation.

L3 NVQ Diploma in Insulation and Building Treatments – Room in Roof, Park Homes, Hybrid Wall, Insulating Framed Sections of Buildings, External Wall Insulation Boarder, External Wall Insulation Finisher, External Wall Insulation Boarder and Finisher, Internal Insulation (Walls)

Please contact us if you have additional NVQ requirements for accreditations specific to your business needs.

What about warm roof?

This is a question asked by several of our clients and depends on who is providing your accreditation support, so it would have to be checked, but a possibility is the NVQ below and also System Design Cards ( from the supplier of the insulation; there are other options to explore if these are not available), this will be sufficient to support the PAS application.

Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Waterproof Membrane Roofing Systems – Pathway 1: Reinforced Bitumen Membrane Roofing

Can I get funding for these NVQs?

If you are CITB levy registered, there is potential to access funding and grants available to you as a CITB levy registered business; please get in touch with our helpful team; we would be happy to discuss the options available to you.

***Until the end of March 2025, full funding is available for the Building and Insulation NVQ’s as fully funded for CITB levy registered companies

What other retrofit training is available?

The National Retrofit Hub has valuable resources to help engagement for the whole construction industry to provide support.

You can view all training and qualifications available here:

Industry Analysis

You can read the CITB’s TrustMark research report from October 2024 here.

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