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Face Fit Testing

Commercial Courses
Home » Face Fit Testing
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Duration: Half day (max 10 delegates), or full day (max 20 delegates)

Minimum Numbers: 1+ (charged at a day rate)

Maximum Numbers: Half day (max 10 delegates), or full day (max 20 delegates)

Location: Delivered on-site nationwide

Cost: Day rate - Price on calling

Dates: Call 01623 287830

Accreditation: Workforce Skills Support Certification

Certificate Validity: 2 years

Face Fit Testing (Qualitative)

Course Information


This can be scheduled as a one-day or half-day session (depending on numbers) and is designed for any employee who may have the need to wear respiratory protective equipment (RPE) such as non-reusable dust masks or half masks to protect their health from the use or creation of hazardous substances in the workplace.

This training and testing can be completed at our client’s premises or at a convenient, suitable location. It can also be adapted to a respiratory protection course, which will identify legal requirements for wearing respiratory protective equipment and maintenance procedures to meet the client's requirements.

Course Requirements
Face Fit Test Kit and Face Fit Testing training prerequisites.
On this page

Face Fit TestingCourse Aims

To provide employees with the confidence that the RPE being provided by the employer is adequate for the hazards presented in the workplace and is suitable to offer the required Assigned Protection Factor (APF) to protect the employees' health and prevent possible future respiratory diseases.
Everything you need

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this fit testing, delegates will be able to:
  • Understand the relevant Regulations relating to respiratory protection
  • Identify hazards and causes of respiratory health issues in the workplace
  • Responsibilities of the Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) wearers
  • Pre-use fit check
  • Sensitivity test
  • Be able to complete pre-use fit check
  • Be able to confidently wear single use masks and/or half mask respirators
  • 7 Fit test exercises
  • Confirmation of Fit Test Pass/Fail
  • Issue of Qualitative Fit Test Report (Given to site representative)

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions about this course? Here is a compilation of our most frequently asked questions.

The Face Fit Testing course is a classroom-based toolbox talk with a practical group demonstration on the pre-use fit check of the employee's own RPE used within the workplace. Individual sensitivity tests and fit tests will be conducted for each type, make, or model of single-use or half-mask the employer provides the wearer.

The maximum number of delegates for the Face Fit Testing Training is:

Duration : Half day; Max Tests: 10
Duration : Full day; Max Tests: 20

  • Attendees are to bring the Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) that they use within the company to the test.

  • Attendees are to bring other PPE that they use in the workplace that may interfere with the RPE fit, such as: Hard Hats, Ear Protection, Goggles glasses, etc.

  • All attendees receiving Face Fit Testing should be clean-shaven around the seal area of the masks.
    face fit facial hair requirements
  • All attendees receiving Face Fit Testing should have no more than 16 hours of facial hair growth prior to the testing.

  • Prior to Face Fit Testing, a prerequisite Toolbox Talk will take place and health questionnaire will need to be completed.

  • Attendees are required to have a clean pallet before the test and are requested not to eat or drink anything other than water up to 30 minutes before any test.
  • Attendees will not be permitted to smoke within 1 hour of any test. 

The Face Fit Testing Training can be scheduled as a one-day or half-day session, depending on the number of employees requiring the test. Please refer to the FAQ about maximum delegates.

Workforce Skills Support Fit test report will be provided for all face-fit tests conducted

Expiry: 2 Years

Ongoing repeat fit tests may be required more frequently if the wearers face shape changes due to significant weight loss or gain, scars or moles, injury such as broken nose or jaw, substantial dental work, facial piercings, effects of ageing or introduction or change of new headwear PPE.

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